This community is for you if you are tired of being censored on other social media channels for talking about natural remedies. You can't rely on google anymore on how to naturally heal because most of it has been removed.
This community is for you if you are just starting out on your wellness journey and want a step by step guide on how to live a less toxic life + how to start incorporating more natural ingredients in your home (cooking AND cleaning).
You’ll be empowered, you'll be inspired, you'll be equipped and most importantly you'll be supported in your journey. You will finish each monthly module motivated to live life more holistically and excited to learn more.
Go from Overwhelmed to Confident in your Holistic lifestyle.
Step - By - Step guides to detox your home, body, and take care of your family naturally and effectively.
Be your own best doctor by learning herbal and holistic remedies to support you and your family naturally. No more google searches (much of it is censored and removed now anyway) needed since the holistic dictionary will be at your fingertips. Option to be a part of a like minded private community for support and encouragement, all researched/approved and used by herbalist and holistic health coach Haley Maness in her healing journey.

- Why Gut Health Matters
- 15-30% off Gut Healing Supplements
- What is Leaky Gut & Leaky Brain? Plus recipes and herbal remedies to support your gut
- Healing during and after antibiotics
- Pre & Probiotics
- Healing Acid Relax
- Full Candida Protocol
- Parasites
Silver & Gold members Guest Expert Recordings
- Jared St. Clair from Vitality Radio on how to choose the right probiotics.
- Berkeley Reeves from Mommy Sober Culture to talk about her journey of going alcohol free as effortless as possible + the benefits she has experienced

- Extensive Natural Remedies List - sinus infections, cough, sore throats, viruses, ear infections, pnemonia, and so much more.
- 250+ Herbal Actions Dictionary
- Nature's Antibiotics and how to use them
- Immune system must have's
- What to eat when you are sick (full recipe e-book)
- How to treat common immune-related challenges
Silver & Gold members Guest Experts Recordings
- Dawn with Modern Alchemy teaching on the one minute cure with Hydrogen Peroxide, how to nebulize for immune support, treatment of common ailments and how to be sure you are purchasing a high quality food grade product.
- Haley, Herbalist and owner of Roots and Leaves- all things Immune Support
- Heather Creson with Defy Your Limits speaking on COVID longhaul

- Why you seriously need to detox and why it doesn't have to be harsh
- How to do coffee enemas and why you should
- Liver & Gallbladder flush guide
- Bye Bye Toxins e-book- DIY clean Swaps & Recipes
- What your lymphatic system is and how to improve drainage
- The benefits of sweating everyday
- Cellular health
Silver & Gold members Guest Expert Recordings
- Emily Crawford of Wholistic Nurse Emily, she is a well versed RN and holistic Health Coach
- Heather Creson with Defy Your Limits on Lymphatic Drainage and the importance of cellular health

- How are essential oils made and what are they used for?
- Essential oils starter guide e-book
- Essential Oils e-book for Oral Health
- Essential Oils e-book for Hormone support
- Essential Oils e-book for Heart Health
- DIY dilution Guide
- How to use essential oils & how they can support every function of your body
Silver & Gold members Guest Expert Recordings

- All things stress/ Anxiety
- Mindfulness
- Teaching how meditation can be like medicine to our nervous system
- Burnout and sleep
- Inner calm
- EFT tapping
- Learn Healthy ways to cope and relieve stress so you are managing your stress and it's not managing you.
Silver & Gold members Guest Expert Recordings
- Rebecca Becker from The Dandelion Way will be providing EFT overview and EFT tapping lessons

- Lessons on estrogen dominance/ Progesterone deficiency. How to detox estrogen and naturally boost progesterone.
- Flexible Health Meal plan to support hormones
- Hormone Seed cycle guide
- How to support adrenal health
- How to boost healthy cortisol levels
Silver & Gold members Guest Expert Recordings
- Emily Crawford of Wholistic Nurse Emily, she is a well-versed RN and holistic Health Coach
- Kay'aleya Hunnybee is an herbalist and integrative health educator specializing in menstrual, hormonal, sexual and reproductive health.

- 30 Day inflammation elimination diet
- Step-by-Step 4 week Inflammation elimination diet with full recipes, daily meal suggestions and grocery list
- Anti- Inflammatory recipe book
- Clean Eating Cheatsheet
- Over 140 pages of recipes and meal plans to help you in your healthy eating journey as listed below:
Gut Solution Elimination Diet Recipes, Dairy and Grain Free Recipes, Mediterranean diet Recipes, Plant Based Recipes, High Protein Recipes - Tons of other guides: Protein Portion Guide, High Protein Snack Ideas, Healthy Fats, SuperFoods Guide, Healthy Snack Guide, Nutrient Guide, Healthy Travel Food Guide, Herb and Spice Conversion Guide
Silver & Gold members Guest Expert Recordings
- Dana Welfare certified personal trainer, nutrition coach and macronutrient coach.
- Loretta Wilkinsis a Certified Personal Trainer and Wellness Coach and has addressed hundreds of audiences with her message of health and hope.

- Mold Toxicity Symptoms + effects
- Mycotoxin and mold testing options
- How to treat mold toxicity
- Mycotoxin Detox
- Antifungals
- Retesting
- Extensive guide on how to safely clean up mold if found in your home
Silver & Gold members Guest Expert Recordings
- Elizabeth Farewell is a healer, writer, and speaker, who facilitates the natural process of healing and transformation in the body, soul, and spaces.

- What is lyme disease and how can you get it?
- Co-infections and stealth infections associated with lyme
- Testing for lyme & co-infections
- Treatment: western vs eastern
- Protocol for treatment and what I personally did to completely heal
- Tick Bite Checklist
Silver & Gold members Guest Expert Recordings
- All about parasites with Kim from Rogers Hood and how parasites and lyme disease go hand in hand

- What sugar does to our immune system
- Insulin resistance recipe book
- Tips to balance blood sugar naturally
- 50 page Sugar Detox E-Book complete with shopping list and delicious healthy recipes that are sugar free
Silver & Gold members Guest Expert Recordings:
Aren Dodge of Dodge Diabetes- Diabetes educator and coach she has been a type 1 diabetic for 30 years.

- Understanding what causes cancer and how to lower your chances of getting it
- The most scientifically validated holistic anti-cancer solutions
- Cancer Causing Culprits printable checklist
- The Anti-Cancer Diet E-book with recipes
- Herbal & supplement guidebook
Silver & Gold members Guest Expert Recordings:
- Shari Guess of Heavily Metalled

- Understanding what causes cancer and how to lower your chances of getting it
- The most scientifically validated holistic anti-cancer solutions
- Cancer Causing Culprits printable checklist
- The Anti-Cancer Diet E-book with recipes
- Herbal & supplement guidebook
Silver & Gold members Guest Expert Recordings:
- April Likins s a board-certified health coach, dual-trained at Duke Integrative Medicine and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
Hey friend,
I’ve always believed I could heal, and I eventually did, but it was a lonely journey.
I suffered for 16 years. Truly suffered. Daily debilitating headaches, fatigue so bad that I sometimes couldn't even brush my teeth, flu like symptoms that would come and go with no reasoning, and brain fog so crushing that driving for that day was out of the question.
Mainstream medical was doing little to help, so I started researching. I found a specialist and was finally given the right set of tests that showed I had lyme disease, leaky gut, very high mold in my blood, a bad parasitic infection and a co-infection of lyme- mycoplasma pneumoniae. This would have been scary for a lot of people but for me it was a sigh of relief. I WASN'T CRAZY. THE DOCTORS HAD BEEN DEAD WRONG.
For the first time in my life (I was 34 at the time) I really looked at what I was consuming on a daily basis, what kind of water I was drinking, what toxins I was putting on my skin and in my home. I also discovered the healing power of herbs and natural remedies and I haven't looked back. I left my high paying corporate HR job to become an herbalist and help others heal.
I did this all alone (besides my amazing supportive husband...but he was clueless too). All the research, tears, fears, feelings of overwhelm regarding how to incorporate this new lifestyle.
But you don't have to.
This is why I have created The Crunchy Club. I never want anyone to walk through their healing journey alone again.

"After just 2 weeks of working with Haley, I’ve made some massive shifts in my toxin load and daily routine. I’m hopeful for the new future I’m creating."
Maisy Bouchey
"This time last year, I was a frazzled mother of 2, just barely getting by. Thanks to Haley, I’m a happier, healthier person for myself and my family. When we get sick I know exactly what to do."
Janell Parks